
So, I randomly open www.behindthename.com and it was amazing, cause I found beautiful names from different ethnicity and these feminine names I like the most:


Aðalbjörg Hjördís
Icelandic: The noble protection from the sword goddess

Moema Nina
mix of Tupi and Quechua: Sweet fire

Norwegian: Protection by light

Whetu Roimata 
Maori: Star in a teardrop

Czech: care

Siriporn Kanda
Thai: Lovely glorious blessing

Danish: New day

Kanchana Veda
Indian: Golden knowledge

Sorne Hilargi
Basque: The moon conception

Sevgi Aygül
Turkish: Lovely moonrose

Subira Asha
Swahili: Patience in life

Gulshan Shabnam
Persian: Dew in the rose garden

Arevik Anehit
Armenian: Like the immaculate sun

Well, at least I got some inspiration for my (very) future child's name and/or for character in my story, the more uncommon the more unique :)

1 komentar:

dinikopi mengatakan...

Thanks Dhys! Ini bisa jadi inspirasi penamaan tokoh fiksi gw :P

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