
Hai, balik lagi gue. Kali ini gue akan cerita tentang invitational show choir sekolah gue. You know Glee right? nah, sekolah gue juga punya macam Glee begitu, tapi nationally kita mengenalnya dengan Show Choir, definition (by myself): choir and band with costumes, dances, and sometimes bring a certain theme to be performed in front of people.

Invitational show choir gue berjudul : A Touch of Class, dan tahun ini adalah tahun ke 17 kita menggelarnya. Sementara di sekolah gue ada 2 show choir, prep dan varsity/utama, yang prep namanya Jubilation, Inc. umurnya sekitar 19 tahun dan varsity namanya Celebration Co. yang sepertinya sudah 27 tahun, show choir Benton emang yang paling bagus di Benton county (because I never heard another HS in our county have show choir)

Celebration Co. (foto untuk tahun ini)
(yang item di samping itu band)

Keren mampus, gym disulap jadi convention center!!

Mengingat saya adalah show choir crew buat both Benton Show Choirs (yah titelnya sih keren: crew tapi tugas kita ngangkat-ngangkat barang di backstage, ngurusin baju singers dan sebagainya tapi tugas gue agak lebih 'terhormat': taking photos of the singers tapi gak dari backstage) oke lanjut, saya harus jadi panitia buat A Touch of Class. kurang lebih, dua minggu sebelum TOC, temen gue yang bernama Cole mengajak saya untuk ngehost room bareng, hosting room adalah salah satu pekerjaan yang agak ringan apabila kita dapat sekolah yang asik dan kooperatif dan nice, jadi intinya kita ngedekorasi ruangan buat sekolah yang kita undang buat lomba put materials dan lain-lain.

Gue nge-host room bareng Cole dan juga Evan. Sehari sebelum hari-H, kita ada hari khusus buat set-up dan pas banget pas sekolah libur karena ada hari development buat guru, seharian kita di ruang ICN (ruang yg diassign buat kita) ngedekor, tema ruangan kita Beach and Winter gitu, jadi kontras antara hangat sama dingin. Sarah, host sister gue juga ngebantuin dekor, pacarnya Evan yang namanya Ashley juga ikut bantu. Waktu setting, kakaknya Cole yang namanya Ian juga ikut meramaikan mendekor hari itu. Dan yang 'terpenting' adalah: hari itu gue meluruskan rambut, mengapa? karena saya ditantang oleh teman-teman saya untuk ngelurusin rambut keriting saya nan eksotis, entah kenapa saya menerima tantangan itu aaaaaaaaaa, tak apa lah, saya tetap gorgeous :)

Hasil jadi ruang kami

Oh iya, di Hari H, kita ngehost Mount Pleaseant High School, dari Iowa juga tapi sekitar dua jam ke selatan. Anaknya asik-asik, kita malah kenalan sama a couple of students gitu. Terusnya, gue hari itu tampil di Jubilation, karena gue harus nari di satu lagu bersama 4 teman lain, dan jugaaaaaa gue karaoke nyanyi lagu Fireworks-nya Katy Perry dan it sounds awful, tapi temen-temen gue ngedukung aja tuh, katanya gue asik, si Cole aja sampe ngevideoin gue dan gue sebel karena gue gak mau divideoin, dan dia 'ngancem' kalo videonya mau dikasih ke nyokap gue di Indonesia via Facebook, sialan hahahaha. Hari itu gue pake rok batik yang gue sulap jadi dress dan luaran kebaya encim, meng-Indonesia-kan diri sendiri di tengah bule-bule ini.

Pada akhirnya, sekolah yang kita host hari itu cuma dapet posisi 6.

Pada akhirnya, juara umum Touch of Class dateng dari Lincoln Southwest High School dari Nebraska, emang sih mereka keren tapi gue lebih suka Cedar Rapids Prairie gimana dong, jagoan gue itu cuma dapet 3rd Runner-up.

Konklusinya: Gue cinta hari itu, gue cinta show choir, gue cinta teman-teman gue dan gue cinta sekolah gue di sini :')

(ki-ka) Cole, gue, Evan, Ashley


okay, yesterday, my host mom show me an e-mail from his brother. It's a news from The Telegraph, a british newspaper, and this... is what he got
open this link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/indonesia/9064248/Indonesias-new-bizarre-way-to-keep-rail-surfers-away-smelly-goop.html

"For anyone who is still up there, it'll be like a whip," said Ahmad Sujadi, of the state-run railway, PT Kereta Api Indonesia.
The contraptions will be installed at select crossings this week.
Indonesia has tried just about everything to keep passengers from clamouring atop trains that crisscross its main island of Java: spraying them with paint guns, calling in sniffer dogs, and asking for help from Muslim clerics.
The first tactic that worked was deployed last month.
Grapefruit-sized concrete balls were suspended on chains from a frame that looks like a soccer goal. "Rail surfers," realising they could be knocked in the head or even killed, quickly called it quits.
The concrete balls can only be suspended over non-electric tracks, but no rail-surfing deaths have occurred where they are in place.
Buoyed by that success, railway officials decided to try the brooms as well.
They'll be set up along the line linking the capital, Jakarta, and the West Java town of Bogor.
Sujadi, who didn't disclose the ingredients of the smelly goop, said he was unaffected by criticism for all the strange and strict security measures.
"Some people say its inhumane, but that's fine," he said. "Because letting them ride on the roofs is even more inhumane."
Hundreds have clamored to the roofs in the past because they want to escape overcrowded carriages, can't afford the price of a ticket, or, simply, for fun.
But dozens are killed or injured every year, falling off the train or being electrocuted by the power lines above.

I'm serious, I can't say anything but "I see this everyday mom, and it's usually like this in rush hour and in the morning," than I can't give any comments.
Gosh, I'm embarrassed, this is one of our problem in Jakarta and the metro area, but people just being ignorant and selfish, even about their own safety (that also can make other people's safety endangered too). It's not my capacity to fix it though, I'm not a transportation nor metropolitan expert, but I always try to shout this problem, for example via this 'train saga' thing. I love Jabodetabek trains, I really do, tapi kalo cerita ketidakdisiplinan manusia Jabodetabek di kereta ekonomi udah sampe internasional gini, seriously, kita harus gerak buat sesuatu men, atau nama big old city Jakarta ini bakal jelek, internationally

Mau gak sih, kalo perspektif orang sini tentang Jakarta, especially its transportation, is as ugly as this?

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